• Elementary and secondary education
• Higher education
• Special education
• Community colleges
• Adult education and literacy
• Career and technical education
• Department of Education and related agency grant programs
Education issues have been central to Capitol Hill Partners’ efforts in Washington, as our members have held pivotal positions on both the authorizing committees, which create federal education laws and the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Subcommittee, which provides the funding for education programming.
We understand all facets of education programming and have played an active role in helping craft provisions in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and Higher Education Act reauthorizations, as well as the Workforce Investment Act programs targeting vocational rehabilitation and adult education and literacy programming. Along with these reauthorizations, Capitol Hill Partners has been instrumental in student financial assistance policy, as well as access, retention and completion strategies in postsecondary education.
Community colleges have found our assistance to be of particular importance, as our combined expertise in the education and workforce arenas provides us with a unique perspective that helps our community college clients to take strategic advantage of a growing number of opportunities across the spectrum of federal programming at the federal level. As in all of the issues in which we assist clients, we do not believe that our work ends when a bill passes. Rather, we continue our engagement with the executive branch as follow-on program development, regulations and policies are initiated and executed and we then provide technical assistance to our clients in the development and pursuit of the new grant opportunities which emerge from authorization, executive budget requests, and appropriation processes.
• Workforce development
• Community colleges
• Mature workers
• Vocational rehabilitation
• Adult education and literacy
• Job Corps
• Youth development
• Business engagement with workforce programs and policies
• Department of Labor grant programs
We have assisted our clients in a variety of areas in the development of workforce related policy over the past three decades. Capitol Hill Partners has been central to the creation of the Workforce Investment Act and its predecessor legislation, as well as deeply engaged in Job Corps legislation and policy, Unemployment Insurance, the Employment Service, the Senior Community Service Employment Program and other specialized federal job training programs.
Capitol Hill Partners’ members not only held high ranking positions at the Department of Labor and the White House overseeing federal workforce policies and programming, but also have served on the staff of the authorizing and appropriations committees that create and fund workforce programs.
We have ensured that our clients’ interests are represented in the development and funding of these laws and policies, as well as in the regulatory and competitive funding opportunities that emerge. We do this to ensure that our clients maximize their chances for success. We provide extensive technical assistance to our clients in the ongoing grant opportunities at DOL and in workforce programs at other agencies. This has helped many clients secure significant new funding for their initiatives.
Health Care
• Affordable Care Act
• Health workforce
• Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
• ACA funded grant programs
• The National Institutes of Health
Capitol Hill Partners’ expertise in the authorizing and appropriations committees ensured that our clients’ interests were well represented in the development of the Affordable Care Act. We provided our clients with extensive assistance in a variety of provisions in the bill and also focused on working with Congress to ensure that health workforce provisions of the Act would better address the growing shortfalls in critical health workforce professions which will result from the increased number of families and individuals who will be insured under ACA and to help prepare our workforce for the rapidly expanding health care needs of the retiring baby boomers.
Our principals’ decades of experience as staff on Capitol Hill overseeing the authorization and funding of Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) have also been of great value to clients in the new framework created by CMS under the ACA, with billions in new funding available for innovative methods to provide better health, better health care, and reduced costs. The same can be said for the National Institutes of Health, The Public Health Service, the Health Resources and Services Administration and the Centers for Disease Control. We provide technical assistance to our clients in the development of their proposals for funding opportunities that have emerged through authorization and appropriation processes in which we have engaged on their behalf.
Human Services
• Administration on Children and Families
• Head Start
• Administration on Aging
• Office of Community Services
• Department of Health and Human Services grant programs
Our principals have been privileged to serve in positions where they oversaw key policy and program development at the Administration on Children and Families from both inside the Administration, as well as staffing both the authorizing and appropriating committees which create and fund federal human services laws. This breadth of expertise has proved to be of great value to our clients, as we know and understand how the key laws providing assistance to people in need were designed and regulated, allowing us to devise customized strategies to better engage the Department at the federal level and develop stronger partnerships for our clients at the state and local level.
There are significant human services program grant opportunities, some of which we have helped establish in law and policy on behalf of our clients - and we then work with them to identify and effectively pursue such opportunities with our technical assistance in the development of their proposals.
Financial Services and Community Development
• Department of the Treasury
• Federal Reserve Bank
• Department of Agriculture
• Department of Commerce
• Department of Housing and Urban Development
• Department of Education
• Small Business Administration
• Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
• Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
• National Credit Union Administration
• Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
• Securities and Exchange Commission
Few firms in Washington can offer the breadth and depth of expertise and services in this area. Our reach begins with our firm’s typical services such as assistance with authorization, appropriations and funding opportunities for programs and policies in housing and community development, community development finance and tax credit programs, economic and rural development, small and disadvantaged business development, others such as grant, loan and program opportunities – and spans all the way over to offering assistance to clients in policy areas such as complex financial institution charter and regulatory matters, de novo financial institution start up regulations and requirements as well as financial institution merger and acquisition requirements and regulations, Community Reinvestment Act laws and regulations, troubled asset disposition programs, consumer finance laws, policies and regulations, capital markets regulation, student loan policy, and many other matters. Organizations seeking our assistance in this expertise area will no doubt be surprised at the reach and depth of our “one stop” services capabilities in this sector.
Older Americans
• Administration on Aging programs
• Senior Community Service Employment Program
• Older Americans Act
• Health care
• Federal grant programming targeting seniors
Programs that impact the most vulnerable in our society are a core focus of the work of Capitol Hill Partners. We have both overseen federal programs targeting our nation’s seniors from positions of authority inside the Departments of Health and Human Services and Labor, the White House, and the authorizing and appropriations committees on Capitol Hill.
We have led efforts in prior reauthorizations of the Older Americans Act to improve programs targeting low income seniors and our breadth and depth of expertise in both the Older Americans Act and Medicare has resulted in a proven capacity to help our clients expand and improve services to seniors across the nation, as well as through designing strategies that increase the range of federal programming that our clients can access for assistance to seniors.